CEA Issues Statement on Denial of Pending Seismic Applications
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt today issued the following statement following the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's decision to deny six pending applications to conduct seismic surveys in the U.S. Mid and South Atlantic:
"The Obama Administration is using its final days in office to pull out all the stops in order to make it more difficult to access and even just better understand the extent of the nation ’s offshore energy resources. Today's announcement – which comes on the heels of the release of one of the most anemic federal offshore energy leasing plans in the nation ’s history and President Obama's indefinite removal of most of the Arctic and part of the Atlantic from future energy leasing – is an illogical and irresponsible act that threatens the long-term energy, economic and environmental security of households, small businesses and fixed and low-income Americans across the country who depend on access to affordable, reliable energy.
In announcing today ’s decision, which is yet another gift to anti-energy extremists, BOEM cited potential environmental risks to marine life. Yet, as BOEM itself has previously acknowledged, these surveys have been conducted for decades without any evidence of adverse impacts on marine animal populations or coastal communities. Furthermore, academic research surveys along the Atlantic using similar seismic technologies have taken place in recent years without incident.
These important studies provide updated information that will facilitate more informed decision-making. If leasing and development ultimately takes place, these studies will ensure more environmentally and economically effective activity by providing more precise data on the location of energy resources in the region.
With a new incoming administration set to take office, an opportunity will arise to reverse course and pursue a reasonable, common-sense approach to energy policy that incorporates increased knowledge and understanding of the nation's resources. The nation ’s economic, environmental, and societal health depends on it."
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) | www.ConsumerEnergyAlliance.org