Page 17 - North American Clean Energy March/April 2019 Issue
P. 17

Manish Nayar is Managing Partner at Oya Solar, a North American turnkey solar developer of community, commercial, and utility scale solar projects. Founded in 2009, Oya has a project development pipeline of 850MW, and more than 5,000 acres under development.
Oya Solar ///
 e New York announcement sent a clear message that the state was committed to building a robust, clean energy economy.
Proven solar companies in this area of the country, scouting for a base
for U.S. operations, can  nd a home in New York. It took ambition and guts for Governor Cuomo to make this announcement.  e obvious commitment the state has made to the solar industry (10,000 jobs don’t just materialize out of thin air) was presaged by smart, sustainable, and stable policy initiatives. New York
has been laying the groundwork for years. REV (Reforming Energy Vision) has been a long, and (sometimes) frustratingly slow process. It’s a process that guarantees Cuomo’s proposal
is built on a strong foundation. It
also boosts commercial con dence that New York will o er a stable and growing solar market for years to come.
 e Governor’s commitment
is excellent news for the state’s economy—particularly rural areas, where farmers and others have the opportunity to earn a reliable monthly payment for welcoming solar. New York is centrally located between the largest and most dynamic solar markets on the East Coast, including Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland. Being at the nexus of these solar powerhouses puts New York in the position of guiding these states through their solar transition.
As with any state that is plunging full-speed ahead into the solar market, there will be a need for people who can teach budding solar entrepreneurs how to maximize their land and their investment. Farmers with the land for commercial- and utility-scale solar projects, may not know where to begin.  ey will bene t from turnkey solar solutions providers to coach them through the process, from  nding  nancing to construction to long-term disposition.
 e policy structure and its location - in the heart of the next big solar boom area of the United States - inspires the entire country. States willing to go big on solar policy will be rewarded with job growth and investment. It’s an ideal time to invest in New York, and build for the future.
North American Clean Energy

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