Page 69 - North American Clean Energy March/April 2019 Issue
P. 69

Batteries - Redox Flow
VRB Energy
VRB Energy’s vanadium redox battery (VRB) systems store energy in liquid electrolyte in a patented process based on the reduction and oxidation of ionic forms of the element vanadium. This is a repeatable process that is safe, reliable, and non-toxic. Components can be nearly 100% recycled at end of-life, dramatically improving lifecycle economics and environmental bene ts.
Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)
Atlantic Clean Energy Supply
ACES’ Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is a commercial PCS system offered in 30kW/50kW/100kW/150kW or larger. They also provide a variety of affordable batteries, including lead-acid, AGM, Gel, and Li-ion. They can also provide less than 10kWh on/ off-grid system solutions.
MGX Renewables
MGX Renewables has created a modular Energy Storage System designed to deliver backup power in the range of 5kW to 100kW over extended periods of time. With the advantage of recharge- able zinc-air fuel cell technology, the system can be con gured to support a wide range of discharge power, recharge power, and duty cycle require- ments. An independent Battery Management System enables the system to be con gured for any AC/DC, load/source environment.
Zinc-Air batteries provide resiliency and reliability to wireless communication networks (telecom towers, Central Of ce, and Data Centers/Fiber hubs), backup power, and voltage/frequency regulation for utili- ties, and new electricity generation for rural/island locations. The batteries use electricity generated from solar panels in the charge process to convert zinc oxide to zinc and oxygen, with the zinc serving as a storage form of energy.
NEC Energy Solutions
NEC Energy Solutions, headquartered in Westborough Massachusetts USA, designs, manufac- tures, and integrates smart energy storage solutions for the electric grid and other applica- tions with critical power needs. With over 700MW of energy storage installed, contracted,
or awarded, NEC Energy Solutions provides megawatt-scale energy storage and proprietary software control systems that support the operation of the grid, while enabling more wind and solar generation to be installed.
Stop curtailing excess power. Nel Hydrogen electrolysers will help save lost energy, balance electric output and increase your bottom line.
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