Page 76 - North American Clean Energy March/April 2019 Issue
P. 76
2019 energy storage buyers guide
Growatt New Energy Technology
Growatt 8-10kMTLP-US is a solar PV solution for residential systems. It comes with wide input voltage range and maximum ef ciency of 97.8%. It has a compact design and is easy to install. With its three MPPTs, the system con guration is easy and exible, tting different rooftops. It is compliant with UI1741 SA and CA Rule 21. With Growatt OSS (Online Smart Service) it is conveni- ent for customers to monitor and maintain the PV system from their mobile devices.
Ingeteam’s turnkey storage inverter station
is a UL 9540 and UL 1741 SA compliant
MV solution. Comprising one, two, or three bidirectional battery central inverters for both grid-connected and stand-alone systems,
it combines Ingeteam’s overall expertise in
the power conversion eld (+54GW supplied worldwide), plant control technology, and monitoring solutions. With a exible design, Ingeteam’s storage inverter offers a high- power density in a single power block, provid- ing different con gurable operating modes. It is available in two different series, 1000Vdc and 1500Vdc (610kVA to 1,640kVA), and features advanced battery control technology which extends the maximum life of the storage system. Ingeteam also supplies the Power Plant Controller and SCADA systems, as well as commissioning and O&M services.
Rhombus Energy Solutions
Rhombus Energy’s Power Converter Systems enable batteries to be optimally used by converting power from AC to DC to charge batteries, and from DC to AC to use the energy stored in the batteries. Every Energy Storage System (ESS), depending on type of batteries, operates at different voltage ranges and charge/discharge rates. Rhombus Power Converters are an essential and core part of an ESS, and are tuned to optimize each ESS.
Protective Relay
Day Ahead Instrumentation, LLC
For Distributed Energy Resources connected to the grid at low voltage and required to be installed with protective relays, DAI provides turn-key solutions to meet all utili- ties’ requirements. UL 508A listed, powered by SEL and NEO Virtus Engineering.
Software Supplier
ABB announces the global launch of its new ABB Ability e-mesh solution. This software solution provides power grid operators an integrated single and uni ed view of their distributed energy resources (DERs) such as microgrids, battery energy storage systems (BESS), and renewable power generation. ABB Ability e-mesh solution
is a comprehensive cloud-based offering that enables utilities, industries, independent power producers, and operators to make smart, fast, and effective business decisions by monitoring and controlling their sites and eets remotely. It also enables in-depth data analytics and provides service options. The increased visibility across all assets enables better control, optimized invest- ment cost and better operational ef ciency.
JobNimbus offers a fully mobile sales and production management software with features including interactive boards, customizable work ows, and photo uploads. Enter new leads and move them through the sales pipeline. Everything in JobNimbus is organized into job folders, including notes, emails, tasks, contracts, photos, estimates, and more. The entire pipeline can be viewed and interacted with in a digital whiteboard to see where everything is and what's up next. With a mobile app (iOS, Android), JobNimbus provides tools in the eld to capture lead information, take and upload pictures to a job folder, and create estimates on the spot. The app works in of ine mode to provide uninter- rupted productivity anywhere. Featuring integra- tions for canvassing, QuickBooks, and EagleView, JobNimbus is a one-stop solution for managing business from the eld or in the of ce.
SMA America
SMA is now taking orders for its DC coupled storage solution. This storage solution is built for new PV plants, and can be used to retro t exist- ing plants for operators who want the bene ts of solar-plus-storage. The DC coupled storage solution consists of SMA’s Sunny Central EV-US inverters with a DC coupling ready option and up to six 500kW DC-DC Converters. In many utility- scale applications, DC coupling can offer signi - cant operating cost and ef ciency advantages over AC coupled systems.
Mechanical Energy Storage
Max Boegl Wind AG
The Water Battery is a large-scale storage system that combines renewables with a modern pumped-storage hydro power plant. This concept is exible and can switch between generating and storing electricity within 30 seconds, which makes it possible to make short-term adjustments to the demands of the electricity market. The storage concept uses the tower base of the wind turbines as water storage facilities with a storage capac- ity of 70MW hours.
Power Electronics for Storage Systems
Chroma Systems Solutions, Inc.
Chroma is a global provider of power conversion test instrumentation and automated systems including Battery Test Systems, AC/DC Power Sources, Electronic Loads, Power Meters, and ATE for diverse bench-top, R&D and design veri - cation of EV/PHEV, Solar, LED, Battery, Medical, and Power Supply applications.
Ideal Power, Inc.
The Stabiliti Series is Ideal Power’s latest 30 kilowatt power conversion system for project developers and system integrators seeking to ef ciently connect distributed energy resources to the grid and reduce demand charges. The grid-resilient Stabiliti Series is available in
two versions: dual port AC-DC bi-directional and multi-port AC-DC-DC bi-directional. Both products are microgrid-enabled with multi-port conversion technologies and are fully certi ed to the latest UL 1741 SA Smart Inverter stand- ard, creating energy resilience and reducing reliance on backup generators.
Sighten’s powerful toolset helps hundreds of companies accelerate their solar and storage sales. Sighten includes project design, automated shading analysis, nancing options, customized proposals, and seamless agreement e-signing. All subscriptions come with unlimited users, proposals, and contracts for a at, low monthly fee, making Sighten a solution for solar companies of all sizes.
Storage Products & Services
Destin Power
The All-in-One for 100kW PCS and 220kWh battery is provided as an integrated product of PCS, LiB,
and switch gear. It can be con gured for the various needs of energy storage application elds like peak cut and renewable energy connections. They work closely with clients through turnkey based ESS projects. This product is easy to install and maintain. Its round-trip ef ciency is 91.5% by applying Hybrid SiC IGBT. The turnkey ESS is also available with large 20ft or 40ft containers.
Li-ion Tamer is a gas detection technology developed speci cally for lithium-ion batteries. It improves the safety of energy storage systems by providing early warning
of a single cell failure within a battery. The technology detects gasses vented from damaged cells before they enter thermal runaway and allows the time necessary
to mitigate battery res. The product is designed to be installed on battery racks to help prevent res by provid- ing detection that will save lives, capital, and protect a company’s brand. Li-ion Tamer is a Nexceris product.
Testing | Certi cation
Kinectrics’ new GRIDSIM Power Laboratory is an independent facility in Toronto, Canada aimed at testing smart grid systems, renewable generation equipment, and medium voltage power systems over a wide range of voltages and frequencies and at power levels up to 12MVA. They perform the evaluation, testing, certi ca- tion, and standards solutions energy storage products require in support of safe renewable power integration with the grid. The lab will be able to perform testing
to UL 1741 SA and associated source requirement documents, CSA C22.2 No. 107.1 and IEC 62109. Their laboratory gives energy storage products a simple, fast, and ef cient path to new markets with full type-test certi cations across industries, made possible with large-scale grid simulation capabilities.