ArcVera Adds Monthly Europe and Australia Wind and Solar Resource Anomaly Maps for Rapid Plant Production Analysis
Since April 2020, ArcVera Renewables has published free monthly Wind and Solar Anomaly Maps for regions across the globe. ArcVera is actively working on 6 continents and over 90 countries. The maps are produced using proprietary processes, ensuring early-next-month first-look availability of critical information to meet the urgent internal needs of our global clientele.
“We continue to expand our services to support project developers, operators, and investors with state-of-the-science technical expertise,” said Greg Poulos CEO and Principal Atmospheric Scientist, “With offices now in Europe, Africa, South America, Asia, and later in 2024 in Australia, offering ArcVera’s Wind and Solar Anomaly maps in these regions consistently illustrates ArcVera’s mission of delivering valuable responsive insights to our clients throughout the project lifecycle.”
ArcVera Renewables offers a complimentary subscription service that sends subscribers monthly email notifications when the maps are posted on the ArcVera website: The notification is always sent in the first week of the following month. In addition to Europe and Australia maps, ArcVera covers the Continental United States (CONUS), Brazil, South Africa, and India. Additional regions can be added by request.
“These maps, which underpin our commitment to providing comprehensive data, quickly and accurately, provide a visual representation of the percent deviation of the wind and solar resource in a region or at a specific project footprint,” shared Poulos. “These timely maps are not just data but critical information for project stakeholders. They are responsible for providing monthly project production reports and answering others, such as investors and owners, for production missing or exceeding forecasts. The first step is to review the amount of “fuel” - wind or solar radiation relative to normal - before deepening production investigations.”
Past ArcVera Anomaly maps can be downloaded from the ArcVera website using this link:
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