H2C Safety Pipe’s Robert Shelton Presents at 2nd Annual Green Hydrogen Congress

H2C Safety Pipe Inc. Co-founder, President and CEO Robert Shelton was a featured speaker at the 2nd annual Green Hydrogen Congress, Feb. 4 in Huelva, Spain. On the panel, ‘Emerging Technologies in H2V,” Shelton shared his insights on the latest innovations for end-use delivery of fuel cell grade hydrogen. 

Shelton brings extensive experience in alternative energy, real estate development, software development, and technology licensing. He has successfully overseen large, public-private ventures with municipal agencies, and is the named inventor or co-inventor of 17 issued patents and numerous pending US and international patent applications. With over a decade of experience in transportation technologies for gaseous and liquid hydrogen, Shelton joined H2 Clipper full-time in 2017. Before his current role, he served as Vice President for Administration and Senior Vice President for Intellectual Property and Partnerships. He is a co-inventor of the patents covering H2C’s Safety Pipe technology and played a key role as Project Manager in constructing and testing the company’s full-scale prototype for the world’s largest fully integrated hydrogen infrastructure company.

“It is an honor to be joining fellow innovators in the hydrogen technology space at this conference,”said Shelton. “There are many fascinating projects underway in Europe and I am looking forward to sharing our technology and insights to continue moving forward with implementing hydrogen solutions globally.”

Shelton was joined on the panel by the following hydrogen industry leaders:

  • Olga Monclús, Sales Manager - Green Hydrogen at Siemens Energy

  • Paqui Segura Manzano, President of the H2 Gabitel-UHU Chair

  • Delia Muñoz Alé, Technology Manager at H2B2 Electrolysis Technologies, SL

Green Hydrogen Congress | www.congresohidrogenoverde.com

 H2C Safety Pipe | https://www.h2clipper.com/solutions/safety-pipe