Energy with efficiency characterizes LTi REEnergy’s 610/1220 kVA PVmaster II Inverter Station. Designed with a plug-and-play concept for large-scale PV plants, the PVmaster II Station features an integrated monitoring system, and comes with a five-year warranty extendable up to 20 years. Even with an ultra-compact design, a maximum efficiency of more than 97% can be guaranteed (including MV transformer losses and all internal consumption). LTi is one of the only vendors in the US market to provide customers with a compact, fully self-contained system, including the MV transformer with integrated oil containment. The liquid-cooled inverters don’t exchange any outside air, remaining clean, dry, and cool. Advanced grid functionality, LVRT, power reduction, and reactive power control are supported. Traditional outdoor-rated inverters are also available.
As seen in: 2013 Solar Buyers Guide
Volume: January/February 2013