SIL-2 certification for machinery protection system

Brüel & Kjær Vibro's VC-8000 SETPOINT Machinery Protection System has received SIL-2 certification, allowing it to be specified and used as part of SIL-rated functional safety applications. The VC-8000 is now compliant with the rigorous requirements of the American Petroleum Institute Standard 670 for Machinery Protection Systems, cybersecurity certification to standards such as IEC 62443, and SIL certification to ISO 61508 and 61511. With the ability to address both SIL-1 and SIL-2 functional safety applications, users can now avail themselves of not only the highly reliable machinery protective functions, but the other aspects of the VC-8000 platform that deliver both machinery protection and condition monitoring capabilities for turbomachinery and critical assets. Unique capabilities include a built-in flight recorder able to capture comprehensive, high-definition condition monitoring data for up to one full year on an embedded solid-state hard drive, native connectivity to the OSIsoft PI System, which eliminates the need for a separate condition monitoring software storage infrastructure while providing unrivaled process data correlation / integration, and simple architecture which relies on only three modules for machinery protection.

Brüel & Kjær Vibro (B&K Vibro) |



Volume: 2019 September/October