Extraordinary Accomplishment: Advanced Technology Management Expands its Manufacturing Facilities Overseas

Advanced Technology Management (ADVTM) announced the company will double its overseas operations. Construction on a new manufacturing facility will begin in January, 2025. "We have to expand to keep up with the growth we are seeing. It's an incredible problem to have," says Founder/CEO Mark Fuller. Mr. Fuller plans to temporarily relocate to oversee the expansion project, returning to Thailand where he built his first highly successful EV company.

Extraordinary Accomplishment: Advanced Technology Management Expands its Manufacturing Facilities Overseas

Extraordinary Accomplishment: Advanced Technology Management Expands its Manufacturing Facilities Overseas

When asked how the US Market compares to Thailand, Industry Tycoon Fuller remarked, "The US has been extremely welcoming to us. We are working with great clients, and often families and friends of clients through referrals. I couldn't be happier with the growth we are seeing and the positive feedback we are getting. The credit really goes to our operations department, locations services, all of our installers and maintenance crews. That is where the real work is done and where you really see if your company is worth its salt. ADVTM has an incredible team."

At present, ADVTM is located in 22 states, with plans to expand to another 2 within the next twelve months. "We are expanding slowly," says Fuller. "Maintaining quality standards both in production and services makes all the difference. We have all seen companies that start to thrive and then cut back on their expenditures and reduce the quality of their products to increase their profit margin. We will NOT be one of those companies."

The overseas manufacturing facility is expected to be fully operational by December 2025.

Advanced Technology Management | www.ezcharger.llc