Page 57 - North American Clean Energy March/April 2019 Issue
P. 57
Electric tensioning pump
Enerpac’s new electric tensioning pump, the ZUTP1500-S Series, with a pendant-operated solenoid valve is suited for multiple bolt tensioning applications and allows for single- person operation. e operator can pressurize and retract the tensioner directly from the pendant. e pump achieves high- pressure without the need for an intensi er. is allows for low-maintenance and less cost for the end user. e electric tension pump has a two-stage pump design that provides high- ow at low-pressure for fast system lls and controlled ow at high-pressure for accurate operation. It also has a panel-mounted 6" pressure gauge with a polycarbonate cover set into the protective metal shroud for improved visibility.
Enerpac ///
Image 2: Indar Electric macroscopic analysis (20x to 40x magni cation) of coils after internal testing.
Next generation safety harnesses
Pure Safety Group’s (PSG) Series 3
and Series 5 full-body fall protection harnesses are used for personal fall arrest, work positioning, restraint, and rescue/ con ned space applications. Both feature a captivated chest strap that prevents improper adjustment and accidental slippage, rubber web ends that fold
over and protect the harnesses against damage, and dual lanyard keepers for safe storage of unused lanyard legs. Both have a loop for easily connecting to a dual SRL connector, freeing up the D-ring for other attachments, and an optional heavy-duty waist pad and belt to accommodate tools. Capacity for the harnesses is 130-420lbs. e torso on the Series 3 can be easily adjusted in seconds and its snap-on shoulder padding adds comfort for users while they work. e Velcro-covered
label maintains its legibility, and impact indicators alert users if a fall has occurred while the harness has been worn. e Series 5 o ers comfort with a cam buckle torso for advanced adjustments, leg padding, durable upgraded shoulder pads, and an ergonomic waist pad. It has a retractable label cover and rubber impact indicators for load indication. e Series 5 harness features trauma relief straps that reduce the e ects of suspension trauma in the event of a fall. e harnesses in
the Guardian S series are customizable and assembled in the USA, meet OSHA standards, exceed ANSI standards, and are pending CSA certi cation.
Pure Safety Group (PSG)
Advanced analytics solution
Seeq Corporation’s latest release, R21,
is an analytics solution for process manufacturing customers. Seeq enables engineers and scientists in process manufacturing organizations to rapidly analyze, predict, collaborate, and share insights to improve production outcomes. New R21 features re ect both the growing use of Seeq for publishing analytics- based views to other employees, and the increased complexity of the use cases where engineers use Seeq. For publishing insights, Seeq has expanded “scorecards,” a feature for the display of calculated tables in Seeq Workbench and Organizer. Scorecards are used for tabulated metrics, measurements, and other summary data, and may be presented in tables with conditional formatting support and user- de ned columns, for example roll-ups by batch or plant. R21 also adds frequency analysis capabilities, often referred to as “FFT,” to transform segments of a time- series signal into the frequency domain. Seeq users access the frequency analysis tool via an intuitive panel which guides them through the transformation process and displays results as a power spectrum, or they can access FFT functionality as a formula in Seeq’s scripting environment.
Seeq Corporation
newly listed generator – most customers also expect this. Remember that this evaluation is just a baseline for the correct behaviorfor the life of the equipment. Gathering data from the SCADA systems goes a long way in understanding the real operating condition of the generator onsite. R&D must regularly perform laboratory testing to obtain the di erent regression curves for the EIS under di erent conditions (Electrical Ageing [EA], ermal Ageing [TA], ermal & Electrical-Ageing [TEA] (see image 1), Chemical Ageing [CA]. e Design Of Experiments (DoE) methodology also helps to identify the di erent e ects of manufacturing parameters, design criteria, or new materials, all of which contribute to a reliable EIS.
In addition to the EIS electrical testing, complete diagnosis can
be done using the following quantitative measurements: insulation resistance (IR), Surge Test, Dissipation Test, and Partial Discharges (PD). Individually, each test provides valuable information, but the total data o ers a much better understanding of insulation behavior and evaluation during the previously mentioned tests. Macroscopic analysis (20x to 40x magni cation) of coils tested – see image 2 – provides even more valuable information to help improve the manufacturing processes and materials.
With hundreds of generators reaching the 20-year point, it’s time
for an end-of-life assessment. Decisions will be data driven, using all available monitoring equipment and techniques. Having a clear footprint of the generator status will improve the accuracy of generator “real life” consumption, and guide risk analysis for its life extension.
Is your generator EIS ready?
Jon Vaquerizo is Global Technical Manager for Indar Electric’s Wind Energy Business Unit. Indar Electric is a subsidiary of Ingeteam. With more than
75 years of industry experience (22 in the Wind Industry), the company has installed 29 GW in wind onshore to date. It maintains facilities in the USA (Milwaukee) and Spain (Beasain).
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North American Clean Energy