Page 59 - North American Clean Energy March/April 2019 Issue
P. 59

Durable and powerful tools
ILSCO has announced an enhancement to their line of hydraulic TaskMaster Tools. New to the line includes battery powered, remote operated, as well as hand operated 6-ton, 4-point dieless indentor tools, plus an expanded o ering of cutters that cut to larger capacity conductor. Cutting and crimping capabilities are extensive and a ord installers the ability to select the right tool for the job.
Energy management software
 e technology group Wärtsilä announced the release of GEMS 6 (Greensmith Energy Management System, version 6), the latest generation of its software platform serving grid-scale deployments globally. GEMS
6 o ers a set of capabilities used to integrate a broad array of generation assets including solar, wind, hydro, storage, and thermal. GEMS 6 is component-neutral to provide maximum  exible and has integrated 16 di erent batteries to date, each according to the application needs of
each project. GEMS 6 can be used independent of energy storage. Using software-based intelligence and machine learning to enhance grid systems and networks, GEMS 6 o ers a wide library of algorithms and applications. With GEMS, renewable energy sources and engine systems can now be equally modeled and simulated in a virtual environment using real-time data, which allows GEMS to be lab-tested, rather than on-site, and o ers signi cant cost e ciencies in testing time, outages, and time-to-market. GEMS also integrates weather and load forecast data to optimize an entire grid system. GEMS can operate autonomously and automatically, based on either a rule-based engine or machine-learning, to act and function according to di erent or speci c conditions sensed within integrated systems such as solar and/or the grid itself. GEMS is capable of processing more than 100,000 points of data per second in default mode and uses data analytics to improve the way in which it optimizes energy storage and the overall grid system into which it is integrated.
Wärtsilä Energy Solutions ///
 e 93,500kg of reduced CO2 emissions in this project alone, de nes the successful conquest of the paradox of such projects’ demands to achieve strength and di erence.
All energy, mining, and forestry projects rely on heavy equipment.  ese types of projects are naturally situated in remote areas that depend on stable site access routes, and e cient and safe operations. Matting has long been a solution to contend with the needs of establishing a solid temporary ground surface. Matting has been useful to an extent, notwithstanding the challenges of extreme ground, and seasonal weather conditions. Load support design and construction for these apparatuses are crucial; they have become major geotechnical stumbling blocks, since they must be situated on stable foundations. Paradoxically, they’re often situated on weak subgrades, wetlands, muskeg, or high water tabled areas.
With mats commonly weighing between 1,000kg to over 4,000 kg, the most durable mats are constructed using three-ply oak, softer woods (such as  r), or even steel, depending on the speci c requirements of the project and equipment. Mats are quickly assembled on site with a solid core, resist wane, and can have a project life of up to seven years, depending on material used, how accurately it’s installed and aligned to its appropriate need, and equipment loads.
Marc is President of two organizations - Paradox Access Solutions, and Stratum Logics. He is a serial entrepreneur who, drawing upon years of successful business experience, creates motivational corporate cultures of mentoring, hands-on training, and support, to transform vision into industry-leading enterprises. With six patents under his belt in the road building industry, Marc realized there were new technologies that would substantially reduce construction costs, while providing more sustainable solutions.
Paradox Access Solutions Stratum Logics
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The best value to secure bolts.
The HEICO-LOCK® wedge locking system is the reliable solution to the problem of securing bolted joints in high vibration assemblies against self-loosening by rotation!
North American Clean Energy

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