Dual-row solar tracker
Array Technologies has recently introduced new enhancements to the Array STI H250 solar tracker. One of the most notable upgrades is the new driveline motion transmission system, providing a more precise and efficient tracking experience with enhanced flexibility. The latest Array STI H250 presents features such as a reduced number of piles per tracker, enhanced tolerance for East-West tilt, and a wider North-South angle between rows, contributing to improved suitability for installation in challenging terrains. The transmission system from the DuraTrack tracker has been integrated into the STI H250, enabling the effortless removal of the driveline. The slew drives restrict the movement of each row when disconnected, ensuring safe passage for tractors and streamlining maintenance tasks. This feature helps with Agri-PV as it makes the tracker suitable for dual use alongside grazing animals and crops. The tracker comes equipped with a new integrated control system and with the ability to seamlessly integrate with Array SmarTrack energy optimization software. This functionality enables the tracker to adjust its tilt based on the distinctive features of the terrain, prevailing weather conditions, and the specific geographical location of the installation. These adjustments are designed to enhance the overall efficiency of the PV plant, resulting in an increase in energy capture through the effective optimization of backtracking and diffuse light strategies.
Array Technologies | arraytechinc.com
Volume: 2024 March/April