Enhancing DER optimization and market access

Molecule Systems unveiled Virtual Power Plant (VPP) and Energy Management System (EMS) solutions designed to directly address the critical needs of the energy sector. MosVPP simplifies energy market access for DERs with a single API integration, eliminating the need for separate VPP infrastructures per market. This streamlines entry, helping manufacturers stay competitive and unlock new revenue streams. MosEMS-Cloud is a cloud-based API energy management system supporting over 1000 DER makes and models without requiring hardware. It offers a scalable and hardware-agnostic solution to optimize energy consumption and maximize VPP participation and savings. MosEMS-Edge provides real-time device control and orchestration without cloud connectivity, ideal for delivering ancillary grid services and managing high-value assets like battery storage, solar, and EV chargers.

Molecule Systems | www.moleculesystems.com


Volume: 2024 September/October