GoSolar Arizona Projects - Sun Mesa, Sun Valley and Sun Industry

One of Arizona’s largest Solar + BESS project conglomerates in an Energy Community area and QOZ, initially proposed back in 2021 to the APS interconnection queue with over 1,500 MW of combined PV and LDES battery capacity, is now back on track for reapplication and continuation.  

go solar wide shot

These large scale hybrid systems were originally submitted to the APS interconnection queue with their onsite POI´s at the APS power line structures with up to 345 kV double circuit transmission lines, are now moving forward after more than 31 months of litigation. GoSolar and the counterparty have reached a settlement agreement, enabling GoSolar to regain its full development rights and previously secured land leases for their initial projects buildout capacities.  

The previously formed Joint-Venture company for these projects will be dissolved,  and GoSolar will reapply for interconnections during the upcoming APS 2025 window, incorporating its innovative hybrid BESS for peak demand and long-duration energy storage solutions with its bi-directionalFCAS/DR (Frequency Control Ancillary Services)  and DR (Demand Response) capabilities to destress the grid at surplus power times  or support the grid at high peak demands for a fast grid stabilization. 

GoSolar initially researched and designed the projects in 2016 to replace the energy output from the retiring coal power plant (Cholla Power Plant / picture below) in Navajo County, aiming to support local utilities like APS and SRP by providing renewable energy to offset their lost capacity. Today, the projects are strategically located in an eligible Energy Community area near the retired coal power plant and one is within a Qualified Opportunity Zone (QOZ), which allows for additional tax credits and community benefits.  

GoSolar’s projects are intended to be connected to APS’s largest high-voltage transmission hub, featuring 230kV, 345kV, and 500kV transmission lines branching off in Northern Arizona. This unique poised location setup enables power sales within WECC, APS, SRP, TEP, and the connected CAISO market through the electrical grid wheeling points. 

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The project locations have already garnered interest from several large-scale power offtakers under NDA who plan to co-locate data centers, as well as green hydrogen and green ammonia production facilities, in close proximity to the gigawatt-scale generating capacity of the site. The project's onsite infrastructure includes double-circuit 345 kV and 500 kV power lines, fiber optic lines, water access, an onsite natural gas pipeline for a 200 MW backup NG generator, and a direct interstate highway exit, making it an ideal location for data centers. This onsite infrastructure enables the projects to support up to 1,000 MW of power load per site, making it well-suited for hyper-scale facilities. 

GoSolar invites interested parties to explore the onsite power off-take opportunities for Data Centers or Bitcoin Mining operations, Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia  off-takers, or to engage in collaborating or co-investment discussions regarding its unique opportunities. 

GoSolar | www.gosolar.us