Learn How to Be a Community Solar Developer. Take a New, Free Online Course from the U.S. Department of Energy

Kickstart your solar learning with a new free, self-paced online course, called Foundations of Community Solar Development! This eight-module course prepares community-based organizations, small or new solar developers, and others to develop, finance, and build community solar projects that benefit low-income and disadvantaged communities. Interested participants can enroll and begin the course at any time, and complete as few or as many modules as desired.

Built by the University of New Hampshire’s (UNH) Center for Impact Finance and Housing Sustainability Advisors, with support from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), this is the perfect opportunity to gain or sharpen solar business skills.

The course is part of the DOE’s Community Power Accelerator, an online ecosystem of developers, investors, philanthropists, and community-based organizations working together to get more equity-focused community solar projects financed and deployed. The Accelerator is an initiative of the National Community Solar Partnership.

The self-paced Foundations course is modeled after the instructor-led Learning Lab: Community Solar Development course at UNH that has trained more than 150 individuals. Demand for that course consistently exceeds capacity constraints, so the new offering opens up the opportunity to many more learners.

U.S. Department of Energy | https://www.energy.gov/