Polar-axis solar tracker

Polar-axis solar trackerGrupo Clavijo has designed a new polar-axis solar tracker (one-axis). This new tracker features a single axis, which orients the panels by tracking the zenith movement of the sun. Its main features are as follows: flexibility in the positioning of the PV panels (for maximum use of the available surface); up to 840 m2 of panel surface per unit (may be increased to 970 m2); quick and easy set up; a tracking program via PLC astronomical calculations; and a direct connection with the anemometer with an option to include a monitor and test button to use the anemometer with several units (which minimizes the work and facilitates inspections). The configuration of the trackers can be modified globally (if the installation is monitored), individually via the buttons on the electrical cabinet, or via a mobile terminal. There’s also an option for equipping the tracker with anemometers and data recorders, communications, and solar farm monitoring. Finally, Grupo Clavijo offers additional services for the tracker, including shade analysis, installation, start-up, or preventive maintenance.

Grupo Clavijo

Volume: March/April 2012