Solar tracker adapts to any terrain and location

Soltec’s 4x4 solution adapts its solar trackers to any terrain and location, providing maximum production of its solar trackers regardless of the environment and conditions in which the project is located, minimizing land preparation work. This new 4x4 functionality package is specially adapted for Soltec's SFOne tracker, which has a length of up to 125m. It allows operation on constant slopes of up to 15% in both the North-South and East-West directions. This system guarantees optimal performance on terrains with complex topographies. The 4x4 functionality is designed to adapt to non-constant slopes of up to 20%. In addition to terrain adaptability improvements, the 4x4 functionality benefits from customizable software for the SFOne tracker that ensures the correct distribution of trackers in the plant layout, as well as the correct and exact execution of the pile driving phase of the project. The data generated by this software can be used in a new improved pile driving system that ensures fast and efficient installation, and if necessary, is compatible with screw piling solutions. Thanks to this integral automated piling solution, it is possible to install piles precisely across the entire terrain more quickly and efficiently, reducing project installation costs.

Soltec |

Volume: 2024 September/October