Solvari Launches Equity Crowdfunding!

Solvari, the maker of an all-in-one residential solar panel, is raising capital through equity crowdfunding on the StartEngine platform as part of its Seed Round of financing. StartEngine has facilitated capital raises for over 1,000 startups, totaling more than $1 billion. 

Several cleantech companies have had success raising on StartEngine including YouSolar (6.5M), Storen ($11M), Flower Turbines ($16M), and Aptera Motors, the world’s first solar powered car manufacturer that has raised over $100M on StartEngine. 

For Solvari, this crowdfunding Seed Round follows their successful $3M non-dilutive pre-seed round funded by grants and awards from the CEC and the DOE, and by the company’s founder. With product development complete, Solvari is transitioning to commercialization and this funding round will support the transition, so they can serve solar installers, roofers, and home contractors looking to deploy Solvari SR across north America. 

Success by other companies on StartEngine does not guarantee the success of Solvari’s campaign or future returns. For more information about the offering, including the SEC Form C, visit their StartEngine page Investments under Regulation Crowdfunding are speculative and involve the risk of loss. Please review the offering materials carefully before investing. 

The Crowdfunding Advantage 

Instead of SAFE’s, Convertible Debt or other complex high risk startup investing vehicles, most of the companies on the StartEngine platform, including Solvari, offer straight equity in the form of common shares. StartEngine’s standard offering docs eliminate legal fees on both sides of the transaction, allowing investments to go further. In addition, through the StartEngine platform, investors can generally accumulate significant amounts of bonus shares, accelerating their investment beyond the standard offer. It doesn’t take an investment shark to understand that more for less is a good deal. In addition, with StartEngine Marketplace, investors on their platform can buy and sell shares from prior funding rounds allowing them to potentially unlock liquidity from their investments. 

Crowdfunding also enables non-accredited investors to participate in buying shares of a company pre-IPO. A privilege typically afforded only to professional investors and investment firms. 

“Crowdfunding is exciting because it not only provides a structured vehicle for our professional investors who have shown interest in Solvari, but it also provides an opportunity for our community to take part in our journey. Recent SEC regulation updates and the rise of credible professional platforms, such as StartEngine, have had a considerable impact on my enthusiasm with this funding approach,” said Solvari’s CEO, Samuel Truthseeker. 

Solvari |