CanREA Celebrates Successful Bids in Nova Scotia Green Choice Program’s Expanded RFP
The Canadian Renewable Energy Association (CanREA) congratulates its members RES, ABO Energy, SWEB, and Glooscap Energy (Glooscap First Nation), as well as all the other Indigenous partners, Eskasoni, Potlotek, We’koqma’q L’nue’kati, Wagmatook, Paq’tnkek and Pictou Landing First Nations, for their successful bids in the Nova Scotia Green Choice Program RFP, as announced by Energy Minister Trevor Boudreau.
The resulting projects will deliver 625 MW of wind, nearly double the original call for 350 MW, which was launched in 2023.
“Our members are ready to support the energy transition and help grow Nova Scotia’s new green economy,” said Jean Habel, CanREA’s Senior Director for Quebec and Atlantic Canada. “We are especially pleased that Nova Scotia’s RFP was expanded from 350 MW to 625 MW. All Nova Scotians will benefit from these new wind projects, which will supply affordable, clean and reliable renewable energy starting in late 2028.”
The Green Choice Program is unique in allowing participating customers to purchase up to 100% of the electricity they use from local renewable energy sources. It is part of Nova Scotia’s 2030 Clean Power Plan, aiming to reach 80% renewable energy by 2030 by adding a substantial amount of wind, solar and energy storage into the Nova Scotia’s grid.
“These new wind energy projects will contribute to sustainable development in Nova Scotia,” said Habel. “They will significantly reduce greenhouse gases by adding more renewable energy to the provincial grid, and what’s more they will create economic opportunities in communities, ensure the protection of the environment, and help enhance Reconciliation, as each wind farm is co-owned by one or more Mi’kmaw community.”
CanREA is eager to continue working with the government and all stakeholders to ensure the success of this unique program, as a priority of our Atlantic Network.
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