Sany Electric Commissions First Wind Turbines in Texas

Sany Electric commissioned its first five 2MW wind turbines in the United States. There was a short ceremony at the wind farm to commemorate the production of electricity to the grid. The project broke ground in December, 2010 and is being undertaken by Sany Electric in Ralls, Texas, a small town just east of Lubbock.

Baker RD helped in the construction phase of the contract. AVIC International, a strategic partner in China for Sany, partnered with Sany in the US to facilitate the building of this wind farm. The families of Jeff Payne and Lauren Huddleston were the landowners. The project was bought from American Seawind, a developer of wind farms in the this area. The Mayor of Ralls D’Ann Reynolds and Crosbyton County Judge Wiggs were there to commemorate the ceremony and cut the ribbon.There are currently five SE8720IIIE 2 MW wind turbine generators erected on the site, with more planned in the coming years. Each tower is 80 meters and are now operational producing electricity through Xcel.

“Sany Electric is excited to begin its new phase of wind power generation in the US. This is the first of many wind turbine projects Sany will do in 2011,” said Stacy Rowles, Project Development Manager for Sany Electric.

The SE8720IIIE wind turbine generators are specially designed for the 60 Hz power grid and meet UL, ISO, ANSI and OSHA related standards. The main rotor an 87 meter diameter made of 3 variable pitch angle blades. With the use of high efficiency planetary gearbox and two precision bearing shaft supports, the SE8720IIIE wind turbine generators can achieve 100% power production in as low as 0.7 miles/hour winds. In addition to the SE8720IIIE, Sany Electric also has six more wind turbines in the 1-2 MW power class for onshore and offshore power generation. Sany Electric has also recently introduced a 3MW generator, the SE11030III-S. In addition, with its global service team and new class of crawler cranes, including the new SCC8300, Sany can offer the industry’s most complete package for wind farm erection, power generation and maintenance.
Sany Electric